Monday, March 10, 2008

Isn't Anybody Watching??

Today's Newsday Garden City Police Chief Double Dipping...Making more than 200-thousand dollars...Retires with pension and is rehired the next day continues to collect the pension and earns another salary...Lawyers in School Districts being paid full time salaries by School Districts and also qualifying for high end pensions...Civil Service Directors doing the same thing..There's alot more...Know what all these things have in common??? Take a minute!! Think about it...It's your money...Taxpayers money...Now does it upset you?? It sure should...No one and I mean no one is watching...We have Village Governments-Town Governements-County Governments- State Governments and Federal Governments...School Boards-Library Boards-Special Districts..Sounds like alot?? It sure is and it costs alot...Know who pays....Take a minute...Oh and don't forget Fire Districts....C'mon....Guess...You pay for all of it and you know what??? It just costs way too much ...We have to, once and for all say no more...We have to implement Budget Cuts...One's that effect the fat cat, double dipping, taxpayer money wasting blow hards who have, over the years convinced us that we need all this...If you cut the number of bloated unnecessary salaries and consolidated and merged certain areas of repetitive Governments we could finance all we need...All the time...It's time to send a message....NO MORE WASTING MY MONEY!

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